Friday, November 16, 2012

Today I found myself thinking back to the discussion that we were having in class on Thursday about how little of our life is time that we are not being under surveillance and I realized how true this was for me.  The idea that every time we step out the door is a time when we are under surveillance blew my mind (as many of you in class could tell from my gaping mouth facial expression).  I have been thinking about how much time I have only to myself in the day and was rather surprised to realize I only have about 30 minutes to an hour of time during the day when I'm awake that I'm not around other people.

I think that the time period we live in now definitely increases the amount of time that we are under surveillance by other people because of things like texting, Facebook and Twitter.  Constantly updating and responding to people on these online sites is just more time that we are being surveilled by others.  I know I'm not the only one who as soon as class is over pulls out their phone.  It's hard not to be a part of things when everyone you know is constantly participating in different activities.  I believe that in order to BE a globalized citizen in this modern age is to participate in communication such as texting and Facebook.  I'm not saying that it is your duty as a citizen of this age to be on Facebook and Twitter as much as possible but I do think that it is ridiculous when people say that things were better in the old days without cell phones and instant communication.  How can you even say that?  Technology has brought us a tremendous amount of good and even though that may come with some negative aspects, the good ones certainly outweigh them.  However, with all things, I believe that moderation is necessary in order to avoid many of the bad aspects that can come from certain advances.


  1. I agree- I read an ABC News article once about an enormous child pornography ring that was widely used somewhere in Europe, I believe, and I kept thinking, "Has our age of technology really brought us to something like this?" But, our age of technology, despite the awful things it surfaces, also allows us to become a global community. But I also think that we need to make sure to not over-globalize, and spend some time focusing on what is near to us, otherwise whats right in front of us will be missed because we're too involved with everything else.

  2. I definitely am able to enjoy all the benefits of technology. It's great having a million different ways to reach someone (e-mail, facebook, texting, skype, etc..) I do think that communication technology is a very individual kind. Some use it more than others, or in different ways. You made a point about how it's silly to want to go back to LAN lines and postal cards. It's true I wouldn't want to not have access to the technology I do. However, I will say that I sometimes feel the technology is using me rather than me using it. Sometimes I catch myself feeling as if I HAVE to text someone or HAVE to check facebook. It certainly has added many new aspects to daily life, most of them digital and not even real interactions.

  3. I agree that technology has been good, but the aspects in which it has been bad have been really bad. The Holocaust, for example, couldn't have reached the height it did without advancements in technology. Organized terrorist attacks are dependent on technology. This makes me think that maybe with technology come new responsibilities for people.

  4. I totally agree; anyone who wishes they lived in a world without our modern technology is probably misusing our modern technology. In our generation we are much more connected with the people around us, as well as those whom we can no longer see in person. WIthout Facebook, emails, etc, I would not be able to keep in touch with my friends in Spain. I think in the upcoming decades we will see developments in the push toward globalization. But, as you said, we must be careful to use our technology in moderation, especially when it comes to modern weapons. Drones, for example, prevent the death of possibly thousands of soldiers, but they can also desensitize us to murder and other heinous acts of war...


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